Via Twitter hat Entwickler Visceral Games bekannt gegeben, dass Patch 2.0 für Battlefield Hardline zum Download bereit steht. Diese Aktualisierung bringt einige Änderungen bei der Verbindung mit sich. Client (PC) Removed requirement for Google Chrome plug-in support as Origin now provides the functionality that the Google Chrome plug-in used to handle Crashes (Xbox One) Fixed a known client side crash Map Bank: Fixed an issue where players could climb a Grappling Hook shot into the ceiling above the offices on the 2nd level of the Bank The Beat: Fixed an issue where players were able to float in the sky Server Browser Fixed an issue where correct Server Types were not being filtered properly in the Server Browser User Interface (PS4) Fixed an issue where the game crashes when navigating through the CUSTOMIZE menu Servers Fixed an issue with Map filters not working properly Implemented fixes with known TDM issues